A brief analysis of the impact of the new conservative leader on 🇨🇳 international students

🇬🇧A farce in the election of the new prime minister? Who is tougher on China?


With the resignation of Boris the Golden Retriever🇬🇧the election of a new Prime Minister is also in full swing. One is the former Finance Minister Sunak and the other is the current British Foreign Secretary Truss. In August, it will be known who will win! But I think this election is getting more and more ridiculous🙄 Instead of focusing on political performance, we focus on who has a tougher attitude towards China. I think this is just plain boring😒

Regarding the economic downturn during the epidemic , Truss proposed cutting national insurance expenditures, but this is undoubtedly a "short-term sweetener". At the same time, she believes that the current tax system is too complicated.  She said she would "review" inheritance tax and pledged to simplify the tax system  But this tax cut policy is undoubtedly mortgaging the future of future generations. 

As a professional moneymaker, Sunak proposed raising taxes to the highest level in 70 years, but this seemed not conducive to promoting economic growth . After the discussion on how to promote the economy came to no avail, they began to shift the focus of the conflict and directed their artillery fire. Anti-China

Regarding his attitude towards China, Truss said in a recent interview that Commonwealth countries should form closer economic ties to strengthen "collective economic security" to "resist China's malicious use of economic means to expand its influence" 💩

Sunak has gone even further when he recently unveiled his plans to "contain China's soft power", one of the most important of which is to close all 30 Confucius Institutes in the UK because he believes China is "infiltrating our universities" and "stealing" Our technology . ” At the same time, find out who provided more than US$60,000 in funding to all British higher education institutions. He is afraid that Chinese capital will penetrate into British educational institutions to brainwash young people🤡

As for the education of international students, neither of them has publicly expressed their attitude at present, but judging from their attitudes towards China, it is not obvious... I can only say that the future of international students may be more difficult😭

Seeing this, I can only say that I am speechless. The current British inflation exceeds 10%. The economic downturn is serious and people are complaining. Therefore, how to govern, how to solve inflation, how to bridge the differences within the party, and lead the British people to the "right path" is what the prime minister should consider first. Instead of using China's traffic to divert the focus of the conflict, it will not make the UK a better place✊

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