🇬🇧British private schools 2⃣️ that still have places in September

Everyone knows that Wang Wanwan is a British middle school and preparatory student.

Continuing from the previous article, there are currently some 🇬🇧 ​​private schools that have been opened 🈵️ , and which other schools can 🈸️ , let’s continue to look down 🧐

🏫Cardiff Sixth Form College

Cardiff’s results this year are still quite stable💯 , A*A at Alevel is 84.7%, and A*A at GCSE is 84.1%. It is very suitable for the school to challenge 👍🏻 . The teachers are all examiners in previous years and are good at teaching students. Various question-solving skills, many students are promoted to Oxbridge every year. Of course, the application requirements are also high 📈 , IELTS is at least 6.5 🤨

🏫St Bees School

Located in Northern England, next to the National Nature Park, with beautiful mountains , water and beautiful scenery⛰️, the school is also the alma mater of Mr. Bean. It is one of the oldest public schools in the UK with a history of more than 400 years. The school’s educational philosophy is aristocratic Cultivation, ensuring stable performance while cultivating students’ individuality👨🏻‍🎓

🏫St Michael's School, Llanelli

In the south of Wales in 🇬🇧 , the manor-style private school has been ranked 49th in the UK. It has gymnasiums, laboratories, libraries, theaters, and activities such as skiing ⛷️ and overseas exchanges ✈️ every summer. This year’s Alevel 79.1% A*A and 87% A*A GCSE

🏫Mill Hill SchoolMill Hill School

Located in 🇬🇧North London, it has a huge campus with complete facilities. It is a mixed school and a traditional British public school. There is a large lawn on the campus and a beautiful surrounding environment🏕 . The school attaches great importance to sports🏃🏻 and the cultivation of specialties. Golf is particularly distinctive and provides Pre-GCSE, one-year GCSE, and Alevel courses📖

🏫City of London, Freeman's School

Located in Surrey, London, a well-to-do affluent area, and has a large park area that students can use freely. The teaching building is a medieval architectural style🏰 , with new internal facilities, including a science building🧪 , an independent teaching building, a library📖 , and a gymnasium🏸️ , gym 🏃🏻 , theatre, swimming pool 🏊 and so on, it has everything you can find in a school!

🏫CATS Cambridge

The school is located in Cambridge. The school has international students from various countries. The school is ranked around 100 out of 1,600 schools. 90% of them are admitted to Russell Middle School. There are countless QS100 admissions~, and each class is controlled at 10- 15 people, small class size👩🏻‍🏫

🏫Fettes College

A famous school in England, located in Edinburgh🏰 , it is known as the Eton College of Scotland. The school has produced many celebrities, including James Bond✅ , 007 protagonist✅ , former British Prime Minister Tony Blair✅ , and also appeared in Harry Potter Yes, there are various extracurricular activities and sports activities, focusing on various development

The quota for each school is gradually 🈵️ . Those who want to 🈸️ should hurry up. Those who want to 🈸️🇬🇧 middle school, backstage beep

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