I feel unsure after the postgraduate exam❓Transfer to the preparatory course to enter a prestigious British university❗️

The postgraduate examination some time ago has ended🔚 , how do the students who have taken the exam feel ? If you feel that you are not very sure of successfully passing the first round of the preliminary examination and the second round of the re-examination, you might as well consider the UK's master's preparatory program as a fallback route👏🏻 , guaranteed this year 9⃣️You can go to school in September, and you can enter 🇬🇧famous schools❗️

Answer the questions that everyone is more concerned about one by one📒

👦🏻What is Master’s Preparatory Program❓

🧑‍🏫The Master's Preparatory Course is a six-month to one-year bridge course prepared for students who want to enter a prestigious British school, but their grades are not enough or their undergraduate degree is not on the list of schools they want to apply for. It is also a half-year to one-year bridge course for junior college students and those who want to enter a higher-ranked school. Students can also study📖 , which lasts from half a year to one year. After passing the preparatory course, they can successfully enter a prestigious British university to study for a master's degree👩🏻‍🎓

👦🏻What are the benefits of master’s preparatory course❓

✔️The application requirements are lower than applying directly for a master's degree, and the language requirements are lower, which is suitable for students with weak language skills.

✔️College students, students with dual backgrounds, and students from bad undergraduate colleges can counterattack with their academic qualifications📈

✔️Through half-year to one-year preparatory courses, you can adapt to British life in advance and improve your language skills⬆️

✔️Cross -majoring is possible, suitable for students who want to change majors during their master’s degree

👦🏻Can I apply now if I don’t have language proficiency❓

🧑‍🏫You can apply for the master's preparatory course first and then supplement the language score. It is suitable for students who have not yet taken the language test or are still preparing for the re-examination. You can apply to get the offer first and focus on preparing for the language in the next few months📄, as long as you do it before the start of school Just be able to show language scores⚠️

👦🏻What materials are needed for application❓

🧑‍🏫Degree certificate (if available) ✉️ , graduation certificate ✉️ , and transcript ✉️ are enough

👦🏻Which schools offer master’s preparatory courses❓

🏫University of Glasgow ( QS76 )

Located in Scotland, the school is in the British classical style, and the school buildings are very spectacular. The school's business preparatory course is almost the first 🈵️ direction among all school preparatory courses. The campus life is also extremely rich, with 300+ clubs and societies, involving wide range of expertise

🏫University of Southampton ( QS81 )

Located on the south coast of the UK 🏝️ , it is one of the warmer areas in the UK (winter in the UK is really cold!!) Engineering, electronic communications, computers, life sciences, etc. are the school’s strengths, and science and engineering are the advantages. The school's library is open 24 hours a day and has small cubicles for catching up on dues at the end of the semester ✏️

🏫University of Nottingham ( QS100 )

After the QS ranking came out this year, it entered the top 100 schools from outside 100😍 and became a new popular school for master's preparatory courses. Green plants can be seen everywhere in the school, like a big park, business school, yao college, computer college, electronics college The School of Electrical Engineering is the school’s flagship major💪🏻

🏫University of Sheffield ( QS104 )

The school is located around QS100 all year round. The city where it is located, Sheffield, has the lowest crime rate in the UK. Prices and rental costs are relatively cheap💰 , and information management, architecture, archeology, mechanical engineering, and materials science are its strengths👊🏻

There are many other schools that offer master's preparatory courses. Let's analyze the specific situation in detail. If you want to 🈸️🇬🇧 preparatory courses, backstage✉tidi , submit the materials now, and if you are quick, you will get an offer the next day~

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