Entering these private schools is equivalent to having half a foot in Oxbridge❓

The School Index, the authoritative British private school education guide, has announced the 30 best private schools in 2023. Let’s see if your dream school is among them~

This list is personally selected by authoritative education consultants and comprehensively evaluated from various aspects of private schools such as [academics], [campus facilities], and [university admissions]. (names not listed in order)

The ️nine major public schools ◀️ on the list are:

🏫Eton College

🏫Charterhouse School

🏫Harrow SchoolHarrow School

🏫Rugby School

🏫West minster School

🏫Winchester CollegeWinchester College

🏫Shrewcbury School

🏫St.Paul 's School

A total of eight public schools are on the list. The nine major public schools in the UK are among the top in the UK in terms of [academic performance], [campus facilities] and [ prestigious school admission rate]. I will not introduce them in detail.

🏫Downe House School

It is also rated as one of the top 5 schools in the UK , with 64% Alevel A* and 84% A*-A in 2023 .

🏫Benenden School

One of the best girls' schools in the UK, it may not be top - notch academically, but its teachers and campus environment are top- notch.

🏫Brighton College

It is known as the most forward-thinking school, with 82% Alevel A*-A and 97 % A*-B in 2023 .

🏫Cheltenham Ladies

The admission rate of Oxbridge and Ivy is on the list every year, and it is known as " Women's Eton " .

🏫Concord College

In recent years, it has been a frequent guest on major private school lists and is excellent in all aspects.

🏫Dulwich College

The ranking is stable in the top 50 in the UK , with 65 Alevel A*-A scores and 92% GCSE 9-7 scores in 2023 .

🏫Fettes College

Considered the best school in Scotland, it is Scotland’s Eton College

🏫Millfield SchoolMillfield School

The cradle of Olympic champions and athletes, a dream school for athletes.

The complete list is in Figure 2-3

🈸️🇬🇧Middle school, dd fried fish

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