Choosing a 🇬🇧 private school is actually easy (five screening criteria) ⚠️

British private schools are highly praised by study abroad agencies. Before selecting schools, you need this test and that test❓In fact, there are so many messy things❗️According to the following five criteria, you can also filter out the children who are suitable for you. School⚠️

1️⃣Budget : You have to find a school that suits your budget. No matter how good the school is, do you have to sell your house and car to send your children to school ? This is obviously unrealistic . 37w-55w ✅Includes meals, accommodation, tuition and most activity fees, but you also need to set aside air tickets 💰Guardian💰Homestay💰Pocket money💰Visa💰So you need to set aside an extra approx . on top of the fees charged by the school Around ¥ 10w💯The fees for private schools in the UK are rising every year📈

2️⃣Location : It is nothing more than dividing London and non-London areas. Again, if the budget is high, choose London and if the budget is low, choose non-London. In terms of cultural differences, Mi Gao personally feels that the class division of private schools in non-London areas will be weak. In the London area✅Art students choose London✅

3️⃣Achievement : Apart from academic performance, most of the school’s advantages cannot be quantified. There are two types of schools: one is the famous test-taking school: Cardiff Oxford International. The other type is manor-style private schools. Parents and students who only care about grades go to these selective schools, and those who are well-rounded go to manor-style private schools. If you want to have a deeper understanding of the differences between each school, Mi Gao’s suggestion is that you either come to visit every private school in the UK, or you can only pray for good luck to meet an agency like us.

4️⃣Entrance test: Anyway, we are not squeamish. We know and understand the admission process of each school very well. We are very clear about the scores they require and the tests they require. For public school students, if you have not studied GCSE yourself, we do not recommend that you apply for Alevel schools that have course selection tests❗️The papers are incomprehensible (and it is impossible to complete what others have learned in just a few weeks ) ( two years of content), there is no need to pay hundreds of pounds in application fees❌For students from international schools, you can choose to participate in these schools with course selection tests✅We also know which school is suitable for public school students❗️

5️⃣Vacation : You need to know that applying to a British private school is not like buying food in the market. It does not mean that you can apply at any time and there will be available at any time. Please plan everything in advance (one year is enough). Putting aside the nine major public schools (to put it bluntly, there are a few who can pass the exam), from the school's opening of applications to submission, to arranging tests, visas, etc., of course we can control the time, but you and your Children are the protagonists of the application, so you should also keep a close eye on it. We will also update the schools with available seats in real time❗️

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