🔝100🇬🇧Private school introduction: Stephen Perth Secondary School

I believe everyone is familiar with Cambridge. We have introduced the Cambridge campus of Abbey School before. This time we also introduce a school in Cambridge: Stephen Perse Foundation. You may think why? A school is either called a school or a college. Why is it called a foundation? In fact, foundation here does not mean preparatory courses or basics. It most likely means foundation. But it doesn’t matter. We come to study not by name, but by strength. Today we introduce the fifth private school: Stephen Perse Foundation

❗️ Stephen Perse Foundation will also be called SPF. In the 2023 Parental Rights Ranking, this school’s sixth form, the so-called secondary school, ranked in the top 100. This school’s GCSE is not very famous, but their Alevel It is indeed quite famous. Generally, the sixth form will have GCSE and Alevel, but this school only has Alevel, so we will also focus on their Alevel.

School Category✅ : Mixed school, day and boarding available

Date of establishment : 1881 School size 🏫 : 4w1,000 square meters (relatively small, but everything is available)
School population👪 : about 800, 450 are high school students. Ratio of international students: unknown, expected to be around 20%

School introduction❗️

SPF has a deep relationship with the University of Cambridge. Students can use many facilities of the University of Cambridge, such as dining together in the canteen of the University of Cambridge, using their concert hall, and attending lectures with teachers and professors of the University of Cambridge, etc. , and you can also use their gym. Around the corner of the SPF teaching building, there is the Botanic Garden of Cambridge University. It is also a good choice to go shopping after class. The school also provides a lot of activities, such as their famous fencing, rowing and Performance

✅The courses offered are also worth talking about. They offer one-year IGCSE courses, two-year Alevel courses, and IB courses (rare). However, Alevel courses do not accept drop-in students. Their scores are relatively high 👍 and they are also well-known. selective school, in 2022, 63% of students achieved A*A (or equivalent IB grades), 💯 % of students in the medical program progressed to UK university medical schools, similarly, 79% of students in GCSE grades Score 9-7 points

✅Admission requirements: Alevel admission requires CAT4, a reference from the current school, IELTS level 6.5 (or equivalent level of English internal test), mathematics test, there are still places available🈸️ , still🆓apply , come to dd

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