🔝50🇬🇧Girls’ School Introduction: Malvern St. James Girls’ School

Thank you all guests for your support. When uu came to dd, we asked us to introduce this school, so today it is here, the eighth private school introduction: Malvern St James Girl's School

❗️Malvern St. James Girls' School is called MSJ for short. The school is located in the center of England, southwest of Birmingham, in the city of Great Malvern. The school is a traditional British private girls' school. It currently does not offer one-year GCSE or Alevel. Sixth form courses require two years of study, two years of GCSE and two years of Alevel.

School Category✅ : Girls’ school, day and boarding available

Date of establishment⏰ : 1893

School size🏫 : About 300,000 square meters School population👪 : About 400 International students Ratio: 75% local students, 25% international students

School introduction❗️

✅Among single-sex schools, MSJ’s results are relatively relatively high🉑️ , with more than 65% A*A and 54% A*A in GCSE in 2022. The school focuses on cultivating high-quality education. The school focuses on stimulating students' enthusiasm for learning and inspiring them to create academic achievements. At the same time, it actively encourages children to develop curiosity, critical thinking and creativity, so that students can grow up to be adventurous and cooperative, which are valued by universities and employers. Talents with basic qualities. Here, students are free to develop their personalities and find interests and careers they are passionate about and can pursue throughout their lives.

✅The school has complete facilities, including sports fields, running tracks, CDT centers, churches, conference rooms, sports halls, swimming pools, theaters, etc. The most famous sports activity in the school is equestrian. Of course, the school is so big, there must be many choices: track and field, badminton, basketball, gymnastics, hockey, lacrosse, ball games, rounders, squash, swimming, abseiling, archery, fencing, golf , martial arts, volleyball, skiing, trampoline, etc. Extra-curricular activities include: art, music, dance, drama, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, film club, ballet, band, cooking, debating, jazz club, jewelery club, orchestra, photography, etc. MSJ holds joint activities with other secondary schools in the UK, such as Eton, Harrow and Radley.

✅Secondly , the school is very good at providing guidance for college entrance examination. Since more students will choose to finish high school in the UK and go to college in the United States, the school is also certified by the SAT test center, and the school is the SAT examination venue. Of course, they will also provide Oxbridge interview coaching, especially for those students who want to study medicine, veterinary medicine and law at Oxbridge.

At present, the school still has vacancies, it’s okay 🈸️ , we are also 🆓applying❤️The school needs to register 💰 £200, and then CAT4, OPT, and interview are the same👍

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