23fall UK🇬🇧The most comprehensive preparatory application timeline

Everyone knows that Wang Wanwan is engaged in studying abroad and immigrating🌍

The UK is about to usher in the school season. The editor has specially compiled the 23fall UK preparatory application timeline for students. Students should pay attention to what needs to be completed at each time point and plan their time reasonably.

❓What is undergraduate preparatory course?

Courses that connect high school and British undergraduate courses to lay a solid foundation for future British undergraduate studies.

✅Which type of people is it suitable for?

1⃣️Domestic students who have not obtained internationally recognized high school results (such as A-level)

2⃣️International students who have obtained internationally recognized high school grades that do not meet the standards

🏫Three ways to upgrade to English

1⃣️Undergraduate preparatory course - only language scores and high school scores are required, IELTS 5.0-5.5 is enough

2⃣️British high school courses - you need to take the British college entrance examination, and the a-level course requires two years of study

3⃣️Chinese College Entrance Examination results - recognized by a small number of British universities and have higher requirements. Generally, you need to pass the first line of the College Entrance Examination and IELTS 6.5

🕰Undergraduate preparatory courses generally have two application stages

One round: August to March of the following year (senior year of high school)

Second round: June to August (scores will be released after the college entrance examination)

🕛Preparatory admission is also divided into two time points

September and January

Take 23fall as an example: Enroll in September 2022 and graduate in June 23; Enroll in January 2023 and graduate in August 23

☑️Preparation matters

👩‍🏫IELTS : The general requirement is 5.0~5.5, and prestigious schools require 6.0. If you prepare to apply in the first round, you will have enough time for students to prepare for the IELTS test. If you apply after the college entrance examination, it will be more stressful and it is suitable for students with excellent English proficiency.

📑Achievements : General university preparatory courses require high school scores above 70, while elite schools require around 80-85 points.

🔘Adequate timeline arrangement

Choose a school and a reliable consultant (at least one year in advance) - Prepare for IELTS and improve high school scores (June to February of the following year) - Prepare materials (complete before August) - Submit an application and get an offer (August to the following year) March)

The above is the application timeline and preparation matters for the British undergraduate preparatory program. Students can reasonably plan and arrange their preparatory application according to their actual situation🙆🏻‍♀️ . The number of places for preparatory courses is limited, but the number of applications is increasing year by year. This year's 23fall preparatory courses in Glasgow are also full ‼ ️Therefore , it is a better choice to prepare early and submit the application early👍🏻 . Regarding the preparatory application, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will answer them for you~

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